Personal Development Courses

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Personality Development

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Personality Development

What is Personality Development? 
  • Personality Development is a tool through which you bring out your capabilities and your strengths by making yourself aware of your inner self and becoming more confident to face the outside world.

  • For a good personality, you need a lot of characteristics like communication skills, politeness, good listening skills, leadership, vocabulary, the art of engaging communication, neatness, and attitude. 

  • These all combine together to make up a good, developed personality.

What Will You Learn?
  • The techniques to win the audience over and get them glued to their seats, even if you currently speak like an average person.

  • Through the art of public speaking, you can connect with your audience immediately and enchant them to their core, even if the mere thought of speaking in front of large audiences makes you scared.

  • The magic trick of  "storytelling" so your students listen to every word that you say in the class; remember, this trick is used in every bestseller book and world-famous coaches use it to train their students.

How Will it Help You in Your Career?
  • It will help you crack the interviews and get that dream job that you always wanted 

  • It will help you to network at events, hence increasing your networks and opportunities.

  • It will open up more career and growth opportunities for you.

After the completion of the course, you will feel much more confident talking to clients, and customers.

The Course Curriculam

Reading, writing and arithmetic. This is the literacy education list we find in almost all schools in every country across the world while I agree that these three are the most important aspects of education but they are not sufficient to make a functional person. To me, this seems like three wheels on a vehicle that requires four to run smoothly, so what makes the extra wheel? Yes, you got it right, it's personality development. A complete behavioral guide for every individual is not a very easy task to conquer because every individual is different and unique, and they also have their own individual nature of action.

Moreover, the developmental period of children is considered a very crucial stage in their lives. It can be said that learning things in the earlier stages of your life is going to have a great influence on your activities as an adult. Therefore, there are some skills that must be taught to you and your kids at an early age so that you can develop them for an incredibly healthy and happy life ahead of yourself.

I will be teaching you how to become the master and leader of your field. How to present yourself well, How to be confident, How to crack any business deal or convince the clients or customer. How to build a creative mindset, how to become good at leadership, How to be an effective communicator , how to build critical thinking. How to build a network and many more.

Class Number Topic/Module Date
1 What is public speaking? What is the need of it?
What you can achieve after mastering it?
2 What are the ideal qualities of a public speaker? --
3 How to give your introduction? --
4 Practice session of introduction with different people at different places with examples --
5 Doubt class --
6 Know your topic and familiarize with it.
7 Building confidence/ how To build confidence
8 Know your audience and understand what they are looking for
9 Be freindly and engaging
10 Activity day ( One random topic will be given to everyone and they have
Speak on the basis of what they have learnt so far )
11 How well grooming can give an edge over other or is there any particualr dress code
12 How to make your audience connect with your talk (Strategies)
13 Fight with fear
14 Eye contact while talking why it is important
15 Activity day - Examples to build connection with audience(live)
16 How to be ourself while addressing crowd or don't pretend.
17 what is storytelling and how it is useful
18 How to master storytelling and use it as your weapon
19 Be natural/ Don't mug up things
20 Activity day/ Doubt class
21 What is voice modulation ? Why it is important
22 How to build voice modulation (Tips and stretegies)
23 Smile + Develop sense of humor in your talk
24 Be positive + Use simple language and be natural
25 Activity / Practice session
26 Ask questions or interrogative things
27 What is body language ?
28 What is the right kind of body language in different scenerios
29 How should be the hand gestures
30 Doubt class
31 How not to be nervous
32 What is presentation ? Design slides that create more impact
33 How to start and end your presentation
34 Strategies to build qualities of public speaker
35 Doubt class
36 What should be the do's and dont's of public speaking
37 What are props? How it can be used as an amazing tool in public speaking?
38 How to preapre for a certain topic
39 Use words that are worth a thousand pictures
40 Doubt class
41 Public speaking as career option/ How to earn money from it
42 Grab Attention at the Beginning, and Close with a Dynamic End.
43 Be concise and clear with your avoid fillers like "Umm" or "aa"
44 Moving Forward With Awkward Situations
45 Doubt class
46 Controlling Your Pace and Timing
47 Handling Difficult People and Situations
48 Effective Memory Techniques so you Never Go Blank on Stage
49 Experiment with the tools in your vocal toolbox: accent, register, timbre, prosody, pace, pitch, space and
50 Doubt class
51 When and how to pause
52 Speak in a memorable way / Have key messages remembered by the audience
(this is the hardest for most people)
53 How to think on the spot
54 You'll be able ignite inner fire, educate, motivate and make an impact on your audience through
implementing the right elements, technique and style.
55 Doubt class
56 Competition among all the learner
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Nadeem Qureshi

I have taught around thousands of students for more than 5 years in institutes like Matippu, Planetspark. I always feel that learning should not be limited to just academics; there's more to it. Over the years, I have figured out what the reason is why only a handful of people get their desired job or position, and the most obvious answer would be a lack of personality development. My endeavour has been and will always be to make learning very fun and easy going. It's a journey to fill all the people with confidence and come out as a winner to ace in every aspect of your life.

1 Course 150 Students
Personality Development

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